剑鱼标讯 > 预审项目 > 【2403058001】宜宾市翠屏区纸厂片区中轴核心区概念性方案设计国际征集资格预审公告


项目名称 省份
业主单位 业主类型
总投资 建设年限
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审批代码 批准文号
审批时间 审批结果

Prequalification Announcement of International Solicitation for Conceptual Scheme for Central Axis Core Area of the Paper Mill Area in Cuiping District, Yibin City
向全球公开邀请具有相关设计经验的申请人前来应征。本次征集将通过公开资格预审的方式 择优选择 4 位应征人参加征集,欢迎符合资格条件的申请人提交资格预审《申请文件》。
Yibin Construction Investment Land (Solicitor) and Shanghai International Tendering Co. Ltd. (Solicitation Agency & SITC) are now internationally soliciting Conceptual Scheme for Central Axis Core Area of the Paper Mill Area in Cuiping District, Yibin City. In this solicitation, four Shortlisted Applicants will be selected through public prequalification process. We publicly invite Applicants worldwide with relevant design experience to participate and submit the Application Documents for Prequalification.
1项目概况 Brief Introduction of the Project
1.1项目背景 Project Backround
宜宾市翠屏区旧州组团纸厂片区,位于城市功能核心区旧州-岷江新区组团南部,南临 岷江,东接流杯池公园,西壤五粮液生态园区,隔江与翠屏山对望。按照新时期对片区发展
The Jiuzhou cluster Paper Mill area in Cuiping District, Yibin City is located in the southern part of the Jiuzhou - Minjiang New Area cluster in the urban functional core area. It borders the Minjiang River to the south, Liubeichi Park to the east, Wuliangye Ecological Park to the west, and faces Cuiping Mountain across the river. In accordance with the new requirements for the development and construction of the Paper Mill area in the new era, efforts are being made to upgrade the Paper Mill area from a relatively single functional residential and living area to a comprehensive urban area with multiple functions of "production, life, ecology", to meet the needs of regional commercial and residential services, improve the external city image of the Jiuzhou cluster, and dedicated to creating a riverside display area for the Jiuzhou cluster.
City Location Diagram of the Jiuzhou cluster
City Location Diagram of the Yibin Paper Mill area
1.2设计愿景 Design Vision
Combining historical and cultural heritage to create a new business card for city culture and tourism.
延续城市历史文脉,依托滨水环境,以酒文化、茶文化、竹文化、长江文化及工业文化 为特色,集生态社区、休闲旅游、商业服务、商务办公等功能于一体,构建“商业+文旅”的 优质复合场景,丰富品牌活动和业态布局,提升游客体验感,打造成渝及周边地区游客假日
Continuing the historical context of the city, relying on the waterfront environment, featuring wine culture, tea culture, bamboo culture, Yangtze River culture, and industrial culture, integrating functions such as ecological community, leisure tourism, commercial services, and business office, we aim to build a high-quality composite scene of "business+cultural tourism", enrich brand activities and business layout, enhance tourist experience, and create a popular check-in spot for tourists in Chengdu, Chongqing and surrounding areas for holiday and weekend tours. Assist in enhancing the overall strength and competitiveness of tourism in Yibin city, and achieve high-quality development of culture and tourism.
Utilizing geographical location advantages to expand urban map.
坚持“北延中优、跨江西拓、拥江发展”理念,提升片区门户形象和空间品质,建设宜居 宜业的生活片区,拓展城市发展空间,重塑城市地理版图,优化功能布局,推进区域整体成
Adhering to the concept of "optimizing the north and middle,, embracing the river to develop", enhancing the image and spatial quality of the regional gateway, building a livable and business friendly living area. Reshaping the urban geographical map, optimizing functional layout, promoting overall regional development, integrated development of each area, and three-dimensional scene creation.
Relying on the industrial foundation to create new settlements with complete supporting facilities.
With the vision of "beautifying homes and creating together", matching the development strategy of the area, improving supporting facilities, enhancing land use functions, improving the external environment, comprehensively enhancing regional quality and building a livable new highland in the central urban area of Yibin.
Highlight the ecological background and enhance the connotation of city quality.
Combining natural ecological and cultural landscapes, reasonably connecting surrounding mountains and waters, green parks, forming continuous recreational and open activity spaces, enhancing the connotation of city quality, highlighting green background and city characteristics, and highlighting the shaping of the city image of "integration of scenery and city, sharing of hosts and guests, and joyful from afar ".
2征集范围和深度 Project Scope
2.1征集阶段设计内容 Design content of the solicitation stage
完成宜宾市翠屏区旧州组团纸厂片区 A-01-16、A-02-06、A-02-12、A-02-03、A-02-05、A-02-08、A-02-10 地块的概念性方案设计,周边绿地 A-02-07、A-02-11、A-02-13、A-01-17、A-02-09 地块需提出合理的景观建议方案,应征人需按照征集人要求完成两套概念性方案(区 别为部分地块的布局调整,具体要求详见设计任务书)。
Complete the conceptual design of plots A-01-16, A-02-06, A-02-12, A-02-03, A-02-05, A-02-08 and A-02-10 in the Jiuzhou cluster Paper Mill area of Cuiping District, Yibin City. Reasonable landscape scheme should be proposed for the surrounding green spaces on plots A-02-07, A-02-11, A-02-13, A-01-17, and A-02-09. The Shortlisted Applicant is required to complete two sets of conceptual schemes according to the requirements of the Solicitor (The difference lies in the layout adjustment of some plots, and specific requirements will be detailed in the Design Brief).
2.2深化设计阶段设计内容 Design content of the deepening design stage
(1)完善 A-02-05、A-02-08、A-02-10、A-02-07、A-02-11、A-02-13、A-01-17、A-02-09 地块(约 167.17 亩)的概念性方案设计(具体要求详见设计任务书)。
Improve the conceptual scheme of plots A-02-05, A-02-08, A-02-10, A-02-07, A-02-11, A-02-13, A-01-17 and A-02-09 (approximately 167.17 acres) (specific requirements will be detailed in the Design Brief).
(2)完善 A-01-16、A-02-06、A-02-12、A-02-03 地块(约 178.54 亩)概念性方案设 计,并开展建筑方案设计及外立面扩初设计,配合征集人通过规划管理部门的方案审批,
Improve the conceptual scheme of plots A-01-16, A-02-06, A-02-12 and A-02-03 (approximately 178.54 acres), and carry out architectural schematic design and facade design development. Cooperate with the Solicitor to obtain approval from the planning management